Early Mortality Rates Predict Late Mortality Rates
In past centuries exposure to infectious disease and malnutrition caused high mortality rates in children. Those who survived did so with a greater burden of various forms of low-level biological...
View ArticleVideos from the SENS Research Foundation Evidence Studios Event in December 2012
A great many videos relating to the SENS rejuvenation biotechnology program and the SENS Research Foundation can be found online these days. There is often a long lag between an event and videos of...
View ArticleStem Cell Transplants for Leukemia Showing Improved Outcomes
Researchers recently published a set of encouraging data resulting from the use of stem cell transplants in the treatment of forms of leukemia. Once a particular new technique is adopted in medical...
View ArticleBracketed by Billionaires
Billionaires are just like you and I, but with deeper pockets. They will age and die on the same schedule as the rest of us, as future life span is almost entirely determined by the pace of progress in...
View ArticleExercise Versus Peripheral Artery Disease
Some age-related conditions are greatly impacted by exercise, and a sedentary lifestyle is one of the factors raising the risk of suffering these conditions. Type 2 diabetes is the best known of these,...
View ArticleA Bioprosthetic Heart
New approaches to electromechanical artificial hearts involve the replacement of some portions of the machine with tissue, such as the cow heart tissue used in this case. The end result is a more...
View ArticleConsidering the Regenerative Signals Emitted by Transplanted Stem Cells
Enhanced regeneration can result from introducing new stem cells into a patient, and this effect is the basis for a very broad range of first generation transplant therapies. In most cases the benefit...
View ArticleOverreacting in the Direction of Doing Nothing
I believe it’s a grand waste of time to try to optimize your health through presently available methods. It’s very easy to get the 80/20 best expected outcome: exercise regularly, practice calorie...
View ArticleConsidering the Details of Replacing the Brain
Of the billions presently alive, some fraction will go on to live for thousands of years. The age of rejuvenation therapies is just around the corner, and new approaches to medicine will enable the old...
View ArticleQuantifying Neurogenesis in Adult Humans
It was once thought that the brain did not generate new neurons in adult life, but the evidence for ongoing neurogenesis was found a few decades ago. Levels of neurogenesis in humans have been hard to...
View ArticleA Good Scientific Polemic on Aging
It is good that scientists are now more willing than in past years to talk about human longevity and the prospects for reversing aging through medical science. That change in attitudes is a necessary...
View ArticleThe Incentives Associated With Becoming a Machine Entity
In the near future it will be possible to build artificial bodies, and some decades after that it will become possible to gradually replace the biology of our brains with more durable and capable...
View ArticleLiving with ALS: Medical Gains Can’t Come Fast Enough
Researchers race against time to develop treatments and accurate ways to diagnose ALS....
View ArticleLiving with ALS: Learning to Live with Limits
As Hollister Lindley loses physical freedoms, she finds new ways to adapt and live life on her terms....
View ArticleInvestigating Fingertip Regeneration in Mammals
Young mammals, and occasionally adults, can regenerate lost fingertips. This seems like a good place to learn more about the mechanisms of regeneration, gaining insight into why it is that mammals...
View ArticleArguing By Induction For an Absence of Boredom in an Ageless, Greatly...
It is usually the case that the first knee-jerk reaction in opposition to increased human longevity is based on the mistaken belief that life extension technologies would lead to people being ever more...
View ArticleReviewing the Literature on Calorie Restriction and Oxidative Stress
Oxidative theories of aging place the blame for the damage of aging on reactive oxidizing molecules, generated most notably in the mitochondria of your cells, and which tend to break the protein...
View ArticleCalorie Restriction Versus Resveratrol Treatment
Researchers here compare the effects of calorie restriction and dietary resveratrol on the pace of sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. What I take away from this is that...
View ArticleA Little Methionine Restriction Research
Calorie restriction is definitely good for you, provided that you maintain an optimal intake of micronutrients in your smaller diet. There is a tremendous weight of evidence for the benefits of calorie...
View ArticleLiving a Good Life Includes Preparing for Death
Psychotherapist Margie Jenkins says settling financial and legal issues before death can be comforting....
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